The Daily Program

Children's Sheet :

Children's Sheet : A time for children to practice free expression and share ideas with others.

Circle Time :

A time for children to meet with their teacher in a friendly, family-like environment to sit in a circle for teacher-led activities with the help of the children themselves. Circle Time starts with an Islamic greeting, morning prayer, and verses from the Quran. The children then check for their friends, both present and absent, identify the day of the week and the date, and learn about other concepts, mostly related to unity.

Mealtime :

The program includes a healthy meal offered by the Center and planned by the in-house nutritionist according to children's nutritional needs. It also includes a healthy snack chosen by the child. Enclosed is a meal schedule including some of the available options, which change periodically, in addition to the daily snack options.

Free Corner Work :

This is a time for the children to acquire experience through sensory educations. Each child picks a corner or activity that they find interesting and corresponds to their interests and mental and physical abilities, which fulfills the child's needs and individual interests, and develops their mental, physical, emotional, and social skills. The available educational corners are: The build and destroy corner, the family co-living corner, the library corner, the science corner, the art corner, the perceptual corner, the planning corner, and the computer corner.

Free Outside Play :

This is an essential part of all kindergarten programs where children fulfill their need for motion, such as jumping, climbing, swinging, running, and lifting. During this part of the program, the child can freely pick the games that correspond to their abilities and needs, as well as their playing partners.

End-of-Day Meeting :

This is a time where the teacher sits with the children to go over the day's achievements. The children can engage in many activities, including storytelling, singing, finger games, and organized games.

Last Update
1/23/2016 11:13:48 AM